Coping mechanisms. Conceptual differences and possible application in prison

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Costin-Marian Crînguș
Flavia-Elena Ciurbea


Folkman and Lazarus’s (1985) theory of the relationship between stressful events and adaptive status indicators, such as somatic health and psychological symptoms, reflects the belief that this relationship is mediated by coping mechanisms, being visible in various stressful situations and so on. In the long run, they affect the adaptation to the work environment, the person and the environment are seen as being in a dynamic, reciprocal two-way relationship. Coping manages, reduces, minimizes, masters or increases tolerance regarding the internal and external requirements of the person-environment transaction. It seems that the individual creates new methods to eliminate negative emotional states by putting these adaptive mechanisms into operation. Coping styles involve individual personality traits, respectively thinking (rational or irrational), beliefs and individual experiences of stress. Certain styles of coping may prove more effective and may help the inmate into a positive transition to life outside the prison environment. Since prisons deprives inmates of outside experience, the development process that allows people to cope better must be helped. Regarding the stability in time of coping mechanisms, there are some evidence that shows consistency in coping responses and that behavior is influenced and endured by own’s personality traits. Neuroticism is associated with increased hostile reactions, indecisiveness, withdrawal, wishful thinking, escapist fantasy and it seems that people in the prisons are more likely to be using them in dealing with stressful events. Although, detainees may place the blame of their convictions onto their moodiness or on some other external stressors, their criminal behavior and hostile reactions is in a fact a result from an internal disposition. If prison environment encourage maladaptive behavior patterns that were used before entering prison, then this environment can stimulate unwanted behavior.

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How to Cite
Crînguș, C.-M., & Ciurbea, F.-E. (2022). Coping mechanisms. Conceptual differences and possible application in prison. Revista De Psihologie, 68(2), 163–174. Retrieved from
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