Optimizing teenagers’ social-emotional and communication skills in a pandemic context supported by theatre games
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This research aimed to investigate how theatrical games can improve teenagers’ socio-emotional and communication skills in the pandemic context generated by the SARS CoV 2 virus. The research methodology included a questionnaire survey of a group of 131 adolescents – being a quantitative method, applied at the beginning and end of a series of four workshops with theatrical games. The theatrical games helped to meet some needs that the young people expressed through the answers to the questionnaires, such as desire to easily integrate in a group or being able to express what they feel and what they think. The results showed, on one hand, that the participation of the 131 subjects in the proposed activities led to a significant increase in the level of empathy, understanding and acceptance of their emotions, cooperation and integration and, on the other hand, reduced the stress factor in terms of public speaking, expressing a point of view and communicating directly.
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