Aggressiveness involved neuro-biological and emotional Mechanisms

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Mihaela Lungu


The relationship between a complex society with high-speed dynamics, with increasingly dense urban agglomerations and human aggression has acquired more dimensions since the end of the twentieth century. Aggression can be seen either as an expressed behavioural component or as a personality factor more or less active in behaviour. This paper is a systematic review of the specific literature. Its purpose was to provide a theoretical, conceptual basis for the psychological factor of aggressivity from the perspective of neuroscience. The analysis included over 70 works by Romanian and international authors from the last 10 years, as well as reference works published in the last 30 years, also local or international.
The results indicate a more obvious trend towards a scientific explanation of aggressive behaviour based on the interaction between the components of the limbic system. The scientific analysis takes into account the chemistry that occurs in the brain, the influences of neurotransmitters and hormones. Less was investigated the psychic factor aggression or the relationships between emotional mechanisms and overt aggression. There is also an approach to aggression specific to certain crops, or geographical areas on the surface of which similar crops are manifested. Based on evolutionary research over time, the studies and conclusions of researchers in recent years, reveals that although there are areas in the brain specialized in processing information of a certain type they work systemically, integrated with other areas or nerve pathways.

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How to Cite
Lungu, M. (2022). Aggressiveness involved neuro-biological and emotional Mechanisms. Revista De Psihologie, 68(2), 151–162. Retrieved from
Theoretical and practical approaches


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