Intersecting parent and child math anxiety, parental math-gender stereotypes and children’s math performance: a scoping review

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Alexandra Rosu


One fundamental role of mathematics is to prepare the new generation to compete in a global economy. Although math is essential for almost all sciences, a significant percentage of primary school students report experiencing math anxiety, as well as an increased avoidance of mathematics courses and other math-related subjects. These increased levels of math anxiety and the potentially long-lasting effects led researchers to investigate the reasons behind this phenomenon. Although the antecedents of math anxiety are multiple and not fully determined, previous empirical researchers suggested that parents‟ math anxiety and their math-gender stereotypes play a critical role in their children‟s math performance and math anxiety. There is a paucity of literature that has focused on the relationship between child math anxiety and their parents‟ math anxiety, whereas most of the studies were directed to investigate the relationship between math anxiety and math performance. In this review, we will critically synthesize the available literature concerning the relations between children‟s math anxiety, parents‟ math anxiety, and parental gender stereotypes toward mathematics, as well as parental involvement in the child‟s homework as a proxy of child math anxiety and the resulting gap in math performance. This review will develop a better understanding of the relations between parental math anxiety, parental involvement in children‟s homework and child‟s math anxiety.

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How to Cite
Rosu, A. (2021). Intersecting parent and child math anxiety, parental math-gender stereotypes and children’s math performance: a scoping review. Revista De Psihologie, 67(4), 363–377. Retrieved from
Theoretical and practical approaches


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