Time management and study skills guide for improving academic performance

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Sebastian Vaida
Lucian Brinzei


Managing responsibilities in a limited time and using cognitive resources in an efficient way, to maximize performance, are a set of, not only desirable, but also necessary skills in our current society. The studies that assess these skills for different age groups and educational levels support this need. Thus, we propose, based on the support of scientific studies in the field of educational psychology, a guide of learning and time management. In the case of time management, we focus on defining goals as well as on prioritizing and organizing activities. In terms of learning skills, we first focus on how to write down relevant information, then on organizing said information into meaningful units, and finally, on a method to facilitate its retention in the long-term memory. This approach has the goal to maximize the potential improvement of the subject’s academic performance.

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How to Cite
Vaida, S., & Brinzei, L. (2021). Time management and study skills guide for improving academic performance. Revista De Psihologie, 67(3), 275–284. Retrieved from https://journalofpsychology.ro/index.php/RP/article/view/48
Theoretical and practical approaches


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