Emotional coping accross genders during the pandemic times

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Lavinia Tanculescu - Popa


The current study, conducted during the first months of pandemic lockdown (March – April 2020) among general population in Romania (N = 476), examined how men and women differ with regards to the four emotional coping strategies described by Carver, Scheier, & Weintraub (1989). Multivariate analysis of variance showed that statistically significant differences exist between men and women on coping focalized on emotions when analyzed jointly. Additionally, significant differences were shown at the religious approach and at the positive interpretation and growth level between men and women, whereas at the restraint and acceptance level there were no significant differences between the studied groups. These findings are in line with the current literature related to individual differences between boys and girls, men and women. The results also add value to understanding how various approaches can be proposed in a particularized, not gender stereotyped manner, for women and men, not only in the organizations, but also in the family and in managing self in medical crisis situations.

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How to Cite
Tanculescu - Popa, L. (2021). Emotional coping accross genders during the pandemic times. Revista De Psihologie, 67(3), 247–258. Retrieved from https://journalofpsychology.ro/index.php/RP/article/view/38
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