Identifying coping mechanisms specific to non-psychotic major depressive disorder – Using the Romanian Version of COPE Questionnaire

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Ioan Crasovean Crasovan
Delia Nicoleta Ramona Crasovan


The identification of coping mechanisms typical to non-psychotic major depressive disorder was performed by comparing two samples, clinical (participants from psychiatric clinics from western Romania [Timișoara University Clinic of Psychiatry, Timișoara Stationary Psychiatry, the Psychiatry Department of the Municipal Hospital Lugoj, Psychiatry Clinics Arad, and Psychiatry Hospital Gătaia] and non-clinical. In order to identify coping mechanisms, the COPE Questionnaire elaborated by Carver, Scheier, Weintraub, (1989) was used, with the Romanian version being validated on a general sample (Craşovan, Sava, 2013). Thus, the identification of coping mechanisms specific to major depressive disorder without psychotic elements was performed by comparing two groups, clinically and non-clinically. The results indicate as specific to non-psychotic major depressive disorder the five following coping mechanisms: focus on and venting of emotions, religious coping, behavioral disengagement, substance use and acceptance. Through the results obtained, the study determines the in-depth understanding of coping mechanisms specific to patients diagnosed with non-psychotic major depressive disorder, an aspect considered important in increasing the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic treatment.

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How to Cite
Crasovan, I. C., & Crasovan, D. N. R. (2021). Identifying coping mechanisms specific to non-psychotic major depressive disorder – Using the Romanian Version of COPE Questionnaire. Revista De Psihologie, 67(3), 21–34. Retrieved from
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